Black and White Photography

Black and white photography achieves a timeless, moody feeling to a picture with just the absence of color. Using the fundamentals of photography, you can create these striking photos, but there are additional techniques outlined in the steps below that can be used to create greater effects. Using the Basics Without color, black and whiteContinue reading “Black and White Photography”

Taking Photos of Bees

April showers have brought May flowers… and also bees! In North America, there are over 4,000 different species of native bees (not the murder hornets). Bees provide a crucial part in our ecosystem, but they are also fun subjects for outdoor photography. To take your own photos of these little workers, follow the steps below.Continue reading “Taking Photos of Bees”

Wildlife Photography Tips

Check out these tips from ecologist, Aurora Hood, on how she takes her wildlife photography. She currently uses a Cannon PowerShot SX530 HS, but will also occasionally use her Samsung Galaxy S10 for shots that don’t require any high-quality zooming. 1) Always bring your camera For this photo, I was out for a walk atContinue reading “Wildlife Photography Tips”

Photography Book Review

This book boasts on the cover that readers will be able to “take 10 times better pictures in 48 hours or less”. While it hasn’t been 48 hours since I’ve read this book yet, I definitely feel more knowledgeable about camera settings, lenses, composition, and camera focus. I was really happy to see many conceptsContinue reading “Photography Book Review”

The Rule Of Thirds

All beginner photographers should know this basic composition rule for photos. I’d like to say that the rule of thirds is only one of many composition techniques, so breaking this rule is not the end of the world. Imagine breaking your photo into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so your image can be separated intoContinue reading “The Rule Of Thirds”

Editing RAW photos

No, I am not talking about raw meat. RAW photos are unprocessed images that contain the raw image data captured by your digital camera’s sensor. JPEG images are immediately compressed, but raw images are saved with more room to adjust all the settings seen in the video and more. Professional photographers prefer to shoot inContinue reading “Editing RAW photos”

The 3 Major Components of Photography

Photography is constrained by light and the equipment receiving it. As the photographer, it’s your job to control the amount of light that is produced within your image. The three major components of photography are how you produce your image: ISO, aperture (A or Av), and shutter speed (S or Tv). Aperture: The aperture measuresContinue reading “The 3 Major Components of Photography”